Rocky Mountain Rivian Club

In early 2022, a handful of Rivian fans (having met online through the amazing Rivian Stories community site) decided to meet up in person at a coffee shop in Denver’s Park Hill neighborhood. Thus began the Rocky Mountain Rivian Club – new friendships that have since grown in both depth and number.

We thought it would be fun to put together a larger meetup, which happened at the end of spring. A month later, a small contingent took a trip to AZ together to visit the Overland Expo West looking for outfitting ideas.

Through the club, we all want to share the love and pleasure of being outdoors together. We hope that by bonding together as a club we can enable new events and establish partnerships with businesses, vendors, service providers, and other activities that will give us a better sense of community and appreciation for the amazing Rocky Mountains we call home.

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Join us at one of our many events around the nation! Get to know other Rivian owners and fans in your area. Whether it be a cars and coffee event, trail cleanup, or getting off the pavement to find adventure, there’s an event for everyone!

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Use this form to sign up for our email newsletter to be kept up-to-date on club events. Include your phone number if you would like to be added to our club’s WhatsApp chat! Your personal information is only used for the purposes of club communications. We do not share our members information with any 3rd party.

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Enter your phone number if you would like to be added to our club’s WhatsApp chat